We are thrilled to be able to offer our clients this one-of-a-kind, personal lens set of Ed Lachman, ASC. This set came together out of Lachman’s love for the original Bausch & Lomb Baltars, and his desire to use wider focal lengths on Full Frame cameras. The Baltar 40, 50, 75, 100, and 152 all cover Full Frame, but the wider focal lengths do not. So Ed partnered with Zero Optik to construct 5 new focal lengths: 21, 24, 28, 35, and 135 to make a complete set of lenses, that match the look of the original Baltars, and all cover full frame.

These new focal lengths are called the “Ultra Baltars,” and they are distinguished by slightly different engravings, and their yellow focus and iris scales. This is the only set of these Ultra Baltars that Zero Optik has ever built.

The rest of the set are the cleanest, examples of original Baltars you will find anywhere. All 10 lenses share the Baltars’ unique character and performance, and they all cover full frame. Lachman shot his last feature El Conde with the Ultra Baltars paired with a monochrome ARRI Alexa Mini LF. Trailer for the film is below.


ARRI Alexa Mini LF Monochrome + Zero Optik B & L Baltars & Ultra Baltars